ASI is developing in partnership with IBM, exclusive digital blockchain ledger software specially created and targeted to source certification documents and trace aquaculture products and inputs along the entire value chain.
Blockchain is the most advanced technology to provide rapid, verifiable, and highly secure data transfer between multiple sources with ability to trace back to the point of origin to provide feedback to the consumer and transparency to improve the supply chain quality.
Currently targeting India, with our participating network of broodstock suppliers, hatcheries, farms, processers, feed companies, distributors and others along the value chain, importers can quickly, easily, and securely access all documentation needs of Indian farmed seafood products from the hatchery to the home. Importantly, the platform provides access to the information to resolve issues rapidly and with credibility when they arise.
This platform will undergo pilot scale testing in India in mid-2022.
In addition to traceability, aquaculture of the future will be driven by technologies that are biologically, environmentally and economically sustainable. RAS (recirculating aquaculture system) technologies are gaining foothold within the worldwide aquaculture community.
Currently there are nearly 200 indoor RAS projects globally in 10 countries targeting seven species, with the majority focused on Atlantic salmon (59%) and shrimp (20%). There are also countless biofloc-based, outdoor (semi-indoor) RAS projects in Asia for shrimp and other fish species.
The ASI network of experts in the US and India have over 150 years combined expertise in India, Asia, and the US and are embarking on a shrimp RAS demonstration project in Andrha Pradesh in response to countrywide water quality and quantity issues. ASI can assist with both indoor and outdoor RAS development projects in any country adapting technologies to local conditions and regulations.
Sustainable aquafarming along the value chain begins at the hatchery. It is critically important that broodstock animals are free from specific pathogens (SPF) designated as OIE notifiable or otherwise detrimental to the species of choice. Healthy, SPF broodstock produce healthy seed for stocking into an aquafarm.
Illegitimate brood and seedstock suppliers notoriously breed animals they obtained from multiplication centers or production ponds and falsely claim SPF and pedigreed status, when in fact animals are often diseased and most certainly inbred.
ASI can connect your hatchery with certified and reliable sources of pedigreed, SPF broodstock. Acting as your agent, the ASI team will negotiate deals and confirm the broodstock SPF status through its network of experts and labs.
Call us: +1-808-386-7420
Address: 415 Keolu Drive
Kailua, Hawaii 96734